What others say

During the last 20+ years, over 1000 Communicologists were certified in Scandinavia, with all sorts of backgrounds and professions such as lawyers, health practitioners, managers, nurses, employees, coaches, teachers, therapists, consultants, CEOs, medical doctors etc. Here are some testimonials.
In 2012 Jorunn Sjøbakken & Truls Fleiner started the International Program in Vienna to spread the education in Europe and around the Globe.
It has changed my life. Both in my role as a therapist and speaker, and in my private life. Today I have less thoughts, but a greater/bigger understanding for small and big systems. Words can’t explain how important Communicology has been to me! Communicology should be mandatory in school and offered to everyone all over the world. The education changed my life and I don’t know a single one who finished the education who doesn’t agree.
Jessica EkmanThe main benefits of the education for me were getting an understanding about the bits and pieces of communication and how it all played together, and use this to make better decisions when interacting with other people (or my internal communication). I feel I have a good foundation to analyze (to “filter”) behavior in human communication – to understand the matrix in the situation and people I observe or interact with. As practical “hands on” applicability I believe the competence has given me a better way to execute my leadership in a better way.
Ole HaslestadInterested? Contact us.
We are looking forward to providing you with more information about Communicology and the educational program.